Who runs the world?

Spot the cat.

If you want to know who really runs the show in Rome, well let me tell you. It is the cats! They were ALL over the city this summer. Chllin' by the shops, prowling near the restaurants, prancing around the most inaccessible bits of the ancient ruins, just daring some official to remove them.

Don't believe me?

I nicknamed this ruin Cat Castle - and for good reason.


I live here.

This is my throne.
Bars? Ha! I laugh in the face of man-made barriers.

And here's one just lazily meandering through the lower (generally off-limits) aisles of the Colliseum.

Unfortunately I seemed to have forgotten my camera every time I stumbled upon the largest feline gatherings. The evening before I took those pictures at "Cat Castle", the structure was literally covered in cats. Disappointingly, the majority of them were inside when I went back the next day.

A cat refusing to do the interesting thing it was just doing now that you have a camera pointed in it's direction. Why am I not surprised?



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